4 Prominent Benefits of Hiring a Tree Removal Service

By Shalini M

In summer, people get out to enjoy the beautiful warm weather while having a great time at their desired destinations. Some people complete their yardwork projects to turn their dream into reality. For instance, they can remove the dead tress from their backyard. Although trees look great, many of them can create problems. If you can't remove a tree yourself, you can hire a professional tree removal service. Given below are some benefits of these services.

1. Saves tons of Time and Money

The biggest benefit of these services is that they can help you save tons of time and money. Although these services are paid, you can still save money as you won't need to invest in the required tools and equipment. Additionally, if you do the job yourself, you may end up damaging something valuable in your house.

On the other hand, hiring a professional ensures the job is done properly and there are no chances of damage to anything. Plus, you can have the job done in a timely fashion.

2. No Safety Concerns

If you think that the roots of the trees may be damaging the foundations of your house, it's better that you hire the services of a removal service for a long-term for regular trimming and pruning. This will ensure your property will be protected against possible damage down the road.

On the other hand, if you trim or prune your trees on your own, you may end up injuring yourself or other people around you. The thing is that professionals use the right tools and follow the right steps in order to get rid of unwanted dead trees. Therefore, the surroundings of your house will not be touched. In other words, there will be no safety concerns if you have an expert do the job for you.

3. They have the required equipment

Another prominent advantage of a professional service is that their employees are well equipped, which means they can use the right tools and other equipment for each job. Aside from this, they have years of experience using the equipment in order to perform the job and save you from injury. On the other hand, you may not have the required tools and equipment to carry out this type of dangerous jobs.

4. Neat and Clean Landscape

Although DIY projects are interesting, you may run into problems, especially if you have no idea how to go about bringing a tree down. Besides, even if you can cut a tree down, you may find it a pretty time consuming task to clean all the mess. On the other hand, professional services are ideal if you want to get the project done in a way that it keeps your backyard just like before, neat and clean.

Long story short, if you want to improve your property by getting rid of fallen or dead trees, we suggest that you check out the services of an experienced provider. Doing the job yourself can save you money, but may cost you more down the road or may cost you if the job is not done properly.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Shalini_M/2609777

A New Way To Earn Money - Plant Falcata Tree

Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) is the scientific name of Falcata Tree. Falcata is among the top tree species preferred for industrial forest plantations due to its very fast growth, the ability to grow on a variety of soils, and its favourable characteristics and acceptable quality of wood. The products are usually made into panel and plywood when sold at such industries.

The tree can grow rapidly, specially the young stands. According to a study (Bhat et al. 1998), under favourable conditions, the Falcata trees can go up to a 7 meter height in 1 year, 16 meters after 3 years and 33 meters after 9 years. A study (Kurinobu et al. 2007) indicates  that Falcata trees age between 3 to 5 years have a mean diameter of 11.3 to 18.7 cm with a mean height of 11.7–20.5 m. Maximum diameter reaches 25.8 cm while maximum height  reaches 23.5 m.

Falcata Tree Business Plan

Due to dwindling source of natural wood material – mainly due to lesser tree population and unsustainable use, we face the challenge in our country to look for a viable source of wood. Government also have regulatory measures in preventing illegal logging. In business side of tree plantation, the demand is high and hence selling of Falcata Tree presents a good opportunity to produce good income. Combined with the positive characteristics of the tree’s wood, the plantation owner will have a good earning for these trees that can be planted and harvested after 5 to 10 years.

A typical business plan for Falcata Tree Plantation includes:

1. Investment on land. To be able to plant profitably, one must own a land enough to plant the seedlings. The land must also be ready for the the long commitment to grow the trees.

2. Typical planting of the tree has a spacing of 2×2 meter to 6×6 meter. Common practice is 3 x 3 meter spacing. Hence, for a hectare land, one can plant 1000 trees.

3. At a price of approximately Php 2,000 per tree, with a resulting 750 quality trees, we get Php 1,500,000.00 after 5 years.

Goodluck and happy planting!

4 Prominent Benefits of Hiring a Tree Removal Service

By Shalini M In summer, people get out to enjoy the beautiful warm weather while having a great time at their desired destinations. Some p...