Easy Steps In Planting Falcata Tree

1. Identify area where to plant.

2. Clean the area to be planted from grass or dirt about 12 inches in diameter.

3. Dig a hole 12 inches deep and 5 inches in diameter.

4. Put 3 tablespoon of fertilizer (16-20-0) then mix with soil.

5. Fill the hole with soil on top of the mixed fertilizer leaving around 3 inches deep unfilled. This is to protect the root being rotten by heat.

6. Put the Falcata Seedling and continue filling with soil until level.

7. Finally, water it (1 liter).

4 Prominent Benefits of Hiring a Tree Removal Service

By Shalini M In summer, people get out to enjoy the beautiful warm weather while having a great time at their desired destinations. Some p...